What is vaginal laxity?

Vaginal laxity, or “vagina too large”, is a widespread but still taboo problem.
Over time, the vaginal walls become distended and sag, a condition known as vaginal laxity.
Patients have the impression that their vagina is too open in the initial part and too wide overall. This causes a loss of pleasure and sensitivity during intercourse, and often a feeling of guilt.

Vaginal rejuvenation on video

Vaginal laxity: causes

There are three causes of vaginal laxity:
Age: with age, collagen fiber production in the vaginal mucosa is reduced, so the vagina becomes less toned and looser.
Hormonal changes: falling estrogen levels, particularly at menopause, are responsible for a reduction in the thickness and hydration of the vaginal mucosa.
Childbirth: during vaginal delivery, the passage of the newborn into the vaginal canal stretches the collagen fibers of the mucosa and often damages them.
Pelvic surgery, which weakens the perineum.

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When is a medical vaginoplasty needed?

This condition affects millions of women worldwide. Multi-factorial, dilation of the vaginal canal is often associated with symptoms of menopausal genitourinary syndrome: vulvovaginal atrophy, dyspareunia (chronic pain during intercourse), vaginal dryness and itching. This sagging also results in reduced sexual satisfaction, making it difficult to achieve vaginal orgasm.

Laser vaginoplasty is recommended in cases of:                                    Moderate vaginal sagging without associated muscle weakness.
Desire to accentuate sexual pleasure.
Vulvo-vaginal atrophy.
Genitourinary syndrome related to menopause.

Contraindications include:
Lesions or infections of the area to be treated.
Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.

Techniques for vaginal rejuvenation and laxity

Laser is an effective tool for non-surgical vaginoplasty. It is an in-office medical procedure used to remedy vaginal loosening syndrome. Thanks to this treatment, the vagina is toned, narrowed and reshaped. The patient can thus regain a fulfilling sexual and intimate life.

An initial interview is organized with the patient, followed by a gynecological examination. A gynecological examination by a gynecologist, with a normal cervico-vaginal smear, must be carried out less than a year before the first session, to detect any neoplasia, infections or lesions. A urine cytobacteriological examination is also carried out in a laboratory a few days before the session. In the event of urinary tract infection, vaginoplasty is not performed. 

No anesthesia is required for the procedure. A single-use laser speculum with a centimetric scale is used during the treatment.

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Results: before/after vaginal laxity treatment

The improvement in vaginal tone is already noticeable one month after the first session, and the definitive result is appreciable three months after the session.
A real difference is seen three months after the second session.
Attack treatment involves two to three sessions. Maintenance treatment requires one session per year.
During the post-procedure phase, the patient can resume her usual daily activities, as the healing process proceeds naturally. However, it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse for at least three days. Reddish discharge is normal for 3 or 4 days. If you have a history of genital herpes, herpes prophylaxis is prescribed.


Type of consultation

Prices generally charged


600 CHF per session

Other Areas To Be Treated

Crown Pearl

Female G-Spot



Enlargement of the labia

majora of the vulva 

Stress urinary
