MiraDry : How to Stop Sweating Armpits

Hygiene - young woman wiping the armpit with wet wipes, perspiration, sweat

Axillary sweating is a common reason for consultation.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized a non-invasive treatment for the destruction of sweat glands in axillary hyperhydrosis, miraDry®.
MiraDry® sends ultra-short waves with a heat of sixty degrees to a depth of four millimeters which destroys the sebaceous glands.


réduire la transpiration

MiraDry® is indicated for the treatment of axillary sweating. In some cases it is a true axillary hyperhidrosis, in others it is normal perspiration which hinders the person. Any phototype can be treated in any season. This device eliminates almost all sweat glands located in the treated area. The glands do not regenerate.


The treatment lasts one hour and is completely painless. The patient has to shave armpit hair six days prior to treatment. A layer is applied on the armpit which serves as guidance. During the session you feel a slight aspiration. At the end of the session ice pockets are applied for about twenty minutes on the armpits.


after effects

The armpits remain red and slightly painful for 24-48 hours. Sport, sauna and swimming pool are to be avoided for a week. It is not advisable to drive on the day of the session.

Written by Valeria Romano

Former intern at the Hospitals of Paris Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Registered with the medical board of Paris, n° 75/80452 More informations

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