Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid and smile modification

Beautiful natural lips

The mouth has many social attributes. Much more than a simple communication tool, it represents a symbol of beauty and sensuality. Aesthetic surgery can prolong your mouth’s youthfulness.

The lips, a symbol of youth

The lips, the symbol of youth  Symbol of youth, attraction and sensuality, the mouth must be well drawn, resulting in a clear defined and plump lips.
The lips consist of an external face, with a  structure identical to the skin, the white lip, which is continued in the vermillion more or less colored according to the abundance of the blood vessels. For the upper lip the middle zone: the philtrum, is delimited by two vertical ridges called the philtrical ridges. The red lip (vermilion) is separated from the white lip by a harmonious and well-defined bead (called 'cupid's bow' for the upper lip).

Proportions of an ideal mouth

  • Plump lips.
  • The size of the upper lip must not exceed 2/3 of the lower.
  • The height of the upper lip should be 10-20% less than that of the lower lip.
  • The upper lip projects 2mm beyond the lower lip.
  • The upper lip is longer than the lower lip and has an M shape.
  • The lower lip has a W shape.
  • The white lip is concave and the red lip convex.
  • The Cupid’s bow is well drawn and the philtric ridges well embossed.
  • The top of Cupid's bow passes through the center of the nostrils.
  • The ends of the labial commissures pass through the centre of the iris.
  • The naso-labial angle is 90°-95° in men and 110°-120° in women.
  • The width of the lips should be equal to the distance between the two pupils.
  • In relation to the Ricketts E line (line drawn from the tip of the nose to the pogonium, the most anterior cutaneous point of the chinar symphysis), the lower lip must project 2 mm behind this line and the upper 4 mm posteriorly.
  • Steinert's line S (oblique line passing from the pogonium to the middle of the columella) must rest along both lips and allow to see if the shift of the upper lip on the lower lip is correct.
  • Respect for the proportions of the golden ratio:
    If the value of 1 is assigned to the base of the nose at the level of the columella, the width of the mouth will be 1.6.  If the value of 1 is assigned to the upper columella-lip distance, the distance between the lower lip and chin tip will be 1.6.
    If we assign the value of 1 to the upper lip, the lower lip will be 1.6.


A scale exists to show the lip volumes on the face et in profile

Very thin lips


Thin lips


Moderately thick lips


Thick lips


Very thin lips


Thin lips


Moderately thick lips


Thick lips


levres coeur

Heart shaped lips

clearly defined contour, the upper lip has a well-defined Cupid’s bow and vermillion, and both lips have a similar volume.

levres pomme

Apple shaped lips

rounded shape, and very centred, the Cupid’s bow is flexible and well defined.

levres ellipse

Ellipse shaped lips

thick, very pronounced lips, which project forwards, their significant volume blurs the classic shape of lips, and the cupid’s bow and vermillion are well defined.

levres arc

Bow shaped lips

narrow shaped lips with a subtle contour, regular appearance and which are less voluminous than others. The volume of the upper lip is slightly greater than the lower lip.

levres ruban

Ribbon shaped lips

elongated, regular shape, and average volume, the lips look wide and almost ‘stretched’, there is a wide Cupid’s bow, and the volume of the lower lip tends to be greater than the upper lip.


seringue acide hyaluronique

Hyaluronic Acid

Injections of hyaluronic acid are both administered wither via a needle or cannula.
The injection behind and rear of the orbicularis of the lips causes an eversion of the lip, the injection of the mucosa and the hem increases the height of the red lip.

The injected product must be flexible, there are products specifically designed for lips type Restylane Kysse.


Injections of hyaluronic acid make it possible to answer several requests:

- Definition of the philtrical peaks/ crests.
- Increased/ augmentation of volume of the upper and / or lower lip.
- Definition/ outline of the hem.
- Eversion of the upper and / or lower lip.
- Enlargement of the mouth, an enlargement of a few millimeters is possible.
- Treatment of sagging of the labial commissures, following the fall caused by aging.

Lip lift

Threads can be used to raise the upper lip by shortening the white lip and increasing the red. The gesture is performed under local anesthesia, the tensor wire is placed starting from a point under the pillar of the nose and by directing it on both sides of the upper lip towards the end of the nasolabial fold. This treatment gives a slight result in case of sagging of the skin due to age.



The upper lip was very well redesigned. The result is just incredible!


She respects your wishes and advises you to obtain an harmonious and natural result. I highly recommend her, my lips are now beautiful!


Doctor Romano rep lumped my lips, the result is natural. She has an expert eye and assured gestures.


A great talent, my lips are now perfect, I’m really happy with the result. Recommended.


Written by Valeria Romano

Former intern at the Hospitals of Paris Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Registered with the medical board of Paris, n° 75/80452 More informations

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