Cellulite removal treatment

Woman showing her cellulite

Cellulite, or superficial lipodystrophy, is a growth in the number or volume of adipocytes (fat cells).
There are three key factors leading to its appearance: fibrose, water retention and fat accumulation. Cellulite can be mainly or exclusively fibrous, oedematous or adipose.

In women, adypocite lobes are arranged in parallel, and polygonally in men, which explains the absence of cellulite amongst men.

The factors behind cellulite are :
– Genetic : as in all medicine, there is a genetic base.
– Hormonal : the role of œstrogen and the oestrogen/progestin balance.
– Sedentary lifestyles.
– A high calorie diet rich in fat, salt, and quick release sugars.

Stages of severity OF CELLULITE

Female legs thighs with cellulite. Skin problem, body care, overweight and dieting concept, diabetic risk factor

Stage I

Orange peel skin appears when pinched.  Anatomically it exists a water retention.

Comparison of female legs thighs with and without cellulite. Skin problem, body care, overweight and dieting concept.

Stage II

Spontaneous orange peel skin, only visible when standing. Anatomically it exists a growth in adipocyte size, and formation of adipose micronodules.

Cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. White isolate. Before and after

Stage III

Spontaneous orange peel skin visible when standing and lying down. Anatomically it exists  a  pre-adipose fibrose.

Comparison of female legs thighs with and without cellulite. Skin problem, body care, overweight and dieting concept.

Stage IV

Spontaneous orange peel skin visible when standing and lying down. Anatomically it exists some  adipose macronodules and spread of liposclerosis.

Differences between the sexes 

Cellulite and normal skin


A woman’s fat cells are held in place below the skin by cube-like structures contained by collagen bands. When a woman gains weigth the fat cells enlarge. Because of the arrangement of the fat cell chambers, they push into the skin and cause irregularity. This leads to the ‘orange peel’ effect of cellulite.


A man’s fat cells are contained by a crisscrossing series of collagen.
When a man gains weigth, his fat cells enlarge. When this happens, the fat cell chambers stretch. Because of the arrangement of the chambers, they so evenly.


Radio frequency skin tightening machine. Belly of a woman, cosmetology.


This treatment is effective on all types of cellulite. This benchmark treatment destroys cellulite and leads to a loss in centimetres . The treatment is painless and there is not downtime.


The indication for Cellfina is the hole caused by skin fibrosis. The wave appearance will not be improved by this technique. The disappearance of the unsightly is done under two months.

Picture of woman having leg mesotherapy in beauty salon


Mesotherapy is effective for cellulite caused by water retention. The injected assets drain the tissues and moisturize and tone the skin.


The use of CO2boosts the blood flow, activates the receptors involved in lipolysis and destroys the septa responsible for fibrous cellulite. This technique is effective on all types of cellulite ( fibrous, adipose, oedematous ).

Carbon dioxide therapy (carboxytherapy). Skin rejuvenation.The procedure is performed on the back of the patient.


– A balanced diet.
– Regular physical activity, for at least 30 minutes, three times a week.
– Cellu M6 vigorous massage.
– Anti-cellulite creams aren’t very effective.
– Pressotherapy: this is a pneumatic and mechanical drainage technique which acts through a mechanism of compression and decompression, activating the circulation and allowing better elimination of toxins. It also has an impact on water retention and is thus particularly effective on cases of cellulite linked to water retention.


During pregnancy I did a lot of water retention, since then, I have cellulite. Doctor Romano’s treatments were very efficient.


I’m thin, but I had cellulite in my butt. Doctor Romano gave my skin a smooth aspect again. I’m very satisfied.


I was very neurotic about my cellulite, I didn’t dare wear a swimsuit. Radio frequency and mesotherapy sessions have smoothed out my orange skin. I recommend Doctor Romano!


I had a lot of cellulite, I tried different treatments that failed. Doctor Romano solved the problem. Thank you!


Written by Valeria Romano

Former intern at the Hospitals of Paris Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Registered with the medical board of Paris, n° 75/80452 More informations

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