Labia majora augmentation

Naked woman covered with a light blue headscarf

The volume and shape of the labia majora (the vaginal labia) can change over time due to several factors :
– Ageing (skin loses its elasticity and becomes droopy), over time the labia majora start to sag and dehydrate. The fat which used to constitute them atrophies, leaving excess skin. This loss of volume is linked to declining turgidity (their ability to swell). Thus, they can no longer play their role protecting the labia minor and vagina, creating discomfort which constricts a woman’s physical and psychological bloom.
– Significant weight loss.
– One or several pregnancies or even be genetic.


seringue acide hyaluronique

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid injections around the labia majora can rejuvenate them, by augmenting their volume and correcting their shape, thus returning/bringing back all the vulva’s sensuality.


The injection takes place at the doctor’s clinic, with the patient in the gynaecological or lithotomy position. The type of acid injected is Desirial® . Desirial® is the first hyaluronic acid specifically formulated for female intimacy which carries the CE mark and has been approved by the main authorities for gynaecological uses (mucous rehydration, labioplasty, and G-spot injection ).
Injection is administered by cannula, with the entry point at the front (A) or at the back (B).
The injection is intradermal, in the mid to deep dermis; one 1ml dose is injected into each side, and this is adapted according to the state of the hydration. The injection technique can be in rear-tracing lines, fan-style or in a grid pattern.

Side effects

This injection very occasionally provokes light bleeding, which is of absolutely no consequence, or a temporary local inflammation. Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 12 hours following the injection. All other physical activities are possible straight away.
Results are immediate.


I had a complex about the size of my great lips during intimate moments with my husband. I went to see Doctor Romano and I was completely satisfied of what she could do for me. The injections are almost painless.


I found that my great lips had become smaller. The injection treatment was very efficient, I am very pleased with the result.


Today, I’m at ease in my intimate life. Thank you Doctor.


My problem was quite complicated to explain as I’m very shy and I have trouble discussing it, Doctor Romano made me feel at ease and offered me the solution to retrieve my youth’s great lips. I’m delighted with the result.


Written by Valeria Romano

Former intern at the Hospitals of Paris Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Registered with the medical board of Paris, n° 75/80452 More informations

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