Non-surgical treatment for malar bags

Uomo sorpreso

Malar bags/pouches are pockets (like small pads) located at the level of the upper part of the cheekbone, the lower limit being the zygomatico-cutaneous ligament.

They are due to:
- Local edema.
- Relaxation of the muscle of the lower eyelid (the orbicularis of the eyelids).
- A herniation of the sub muscular fat (under the orbicularis of the eyelids) through the muscle.


seringue acide hyaluronique

Hyaluronic Acid

Injections of hyaluronic acid do not treat the pouch but can mitigate it by raising the fallen malar fat. By realizing with the acid a small face lift, we restore the support to the orbicularis of the eyelids. We also attenuate a possible valley of tears, which, reduces the hollow near the pocket. There is really no way to avoid malar pockets.

It is necessary to have a healthy lifestyle: to avoid tobacco and alcohol, to have a balanced diet low in salt, to sleep a sufficient number of hours, to have a regular sporting activity.


My bags gave me a tired look, the injection allowed me to recover my gaze. Thank you Doctor Romano.


I looked on forums for advice concerning injections for malar bags, I stumbled upon Doctor Romano’s website. A single injection solved my problem, I’ve seen a real amelioration.


I knew that the treatment of malaria bags is always complex, I needed the best in this field, Doctor Romano. I saw a clear attenuation, I feel much better. Thanks.


I had malar bags, it had become a real complex, I was afraid of mistakes. Doctor Romano’s professionalism reassured me, I then did the injection in full trust, the result is stupefying.


Written by Valeria Romano

Former intern at the Hospitals of Paris Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Registered with the medical board of Paris, n° 75/80452 More informations

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